Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Unposted Meeting--An Opinion

After yesterday's posting "mishap" and all the other issues going on in town hall, I hope people are finally getting the fact that the police department isn't the only problem in town hall. All the other postings made it up. Friends helping friends-- looks pretty bad for the town not being able to control employees.

The board allowed it to go on too long. They have had many chances to deal with this prior to the end of the appointment season, and now it's too late. Their selective discipline has been the board's downfall to this point.

They finally get the guts to put one of the real problems in front of them, thanks to Chief Cotton, in executive session, and look what happens. The board's chance to make it right both procedurally and morally has come and gone. That person will leave with a perfect personnel file and another law suit to come.

Now let's deal with the un-posted meeting in the proper way. We can't allow any employee to hide behind an illness as a reason for mistakes or misdoings. If that employee can't do the job they have, then have them take a leave until they are well enough to do it right. My sympathy is there, but you have a town to run.

John Svoboda

1 comment:

  1. Ah so another computer glitch occurred or did it simply go by the wayside with the rest...delete, delete, delete....that for me as I was commenting about something else.
