Friday, March 12, 2010

For the Record

Apparently there is another one of those rumors circulating around town that I am responsible for the fact that the voting polls are now being held at Sanderson Academy. Well, yes I did call the Elections Division and ask them for help to address the three broken election laws that happened during our special election to vote in a new selectboard member after Mr.Perlman resigned. A ballot was taken outside the polling place, the names were not in alphabetical order, and there was a premarked ballot given to a resident. Some see this as petty but if you put yourself in the candidates' shoes you would find this unfair. Laws are made for reasons and over the years they have been changed to be inclusive.

To justify her actions, our Town Hall Clerk called in the ADA to visit Town Hall and evaluate its handicapped accessibility. While here, they evaluated Town Hall, the Fire Station and Sanderson Academy. The school had the least problems and therefore elections are to be held there until we update Town Hall.

In 1995 the Ashfield News reported that the new handicapped lift never worked properly, so what happened and who is responsible? The selectboard at that time went ahead and installed an Ashfield stone walkway, against the recommendation of the Ashfield House owners, who said it would not meet the ADA's requirement. Lo and behold, we have to fix it. It seems to me that at times the selectboard's agenda did not take in the town's best interest, but their own.

This brings me to the acknowledgement of David's letter and I feel it is in the best interest of the whole town to have open meetings where residents can input their advice, ask questions and make comments. After all, the selectboard represents the town and we have appointed them to represent us as residents. I feel that we should see our town government as professional and have no fear of the police, clerks, assessors, or selectboard members. When we go into the town hall to do any business it should not be talked about and shared, since it is our business.

And how do people feel about voting at Sanderson? As much as I miss voting at Town Hall, because I, like most people, do not like change, it gave me an opportunity to see Sanderson. The consensus, as expressed by Sanderson Principal Budge Litchfield, was that citizens were delighted to finally see the school. The openness and architecture is a thing of beauty. It is bright and there are three cases of artwork in the lobby. He also sees the civic experience as good for the children.

But there was definitely a break in the understanding that the school children be protected. Also, Mr. Perlman felt it was okay to transfer a bag with marijuana in it in the parking lot, taking the only officer out of the building. New policies will be put into place, since Police Chief Cotton visited the school and talked with Budge.

At a later date we can be back at Town Hall and so we must all make a compromise. A committee for Town Hall has been established and we will be back better than ever, since the best interest of the town and inclusiveness are their goals. Change should be seen as positive if the intentions are for the good of all.

My thanks to all of you who are being called names and getting cold-shouldered as I have been. I know that our hearts are strong, our intentions good and we can agree to disagree with respect.

Karen Sullivan

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