Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ashfield in Wonderland

"It is getting curiouser and curiouser."

It is becoming increasingly difficult to understand the so-called alliances and camps that were identified early on in the Police Chief controversy. On the one hand you had those declaring that Dave DeHerdt was a staunch defender of the Chief's at all costs and on the other hand you had those who feared that Ted Murray had his mind made up to fire the Chief no matter what the facts.

Yet Wednesday night's meeting seemed to turn that perception on its head. What we witnessed was Ted readying John for his return and Dave piling up the expectations. We saw Ted taking care to explain the expectations that the Board had of John regarding new protocols and policies while Dave insisted he conduct exhaustive inventories of police department equipment and weapons.

We out here in Wonderland may indeed be confused and our world feel topsy-turvy, or maybe we've lived in another type of Wonderland for so long that this is what it looks like to be in the real world.

Amelia Maloney

1 comment:

  1. I believe the alliances and camps are being broken down by "those who want our wonderful town of Ashfield to be one of integrity and honesty in ALL departments" and those who have personal interests in this matter rather than the betterment of the whole town. I will rally for the interest of All as the sheets are torn from the bed and the mattress aired out. We need to come together as one body to see that Ashfield is brought back to the character we want to see as taxpayers and a town we can be proud of.
